What's On the Inside

I'm sure I'll regret posting this, but right now I just really need to vent. To cut straight to the chase, I am so incredibly sick of men liking me only because of the way that I look. It seems to happen to me way more often than it should, considering the fact that I'm really not that pretty...

I've been feeling so rejected lately because of this that my heart is starting to feel like it's been put through a meat grinder...

This most recent time, I developed feelings for a second-year medical student who, lo and behold, thought I was attractive and worth pursuing for this reason for a short amount of time, but didn't find it worthwhile to actually take the time to get to know me. I finally had to end things with him yesterday because once the draw of my looks wore off, he began treating me with very little respect.

This seems to happen so often that I begin to wonder if my personality just sucks and that's why men seem to lose interest so quickly. Of course, when I'm able to think clearly, I know very well that my personality doesn't suck. I shouldn't have to defend myself (to er, myself), but I know that I'm very sensitive and caring, and every once in a while, even a little bit funny. So, why is it so difficult for me to find someone that will appreciate me for more than the way that I look? Do I just attract men that aren't interested in getting to know the women they pursue, period?

I know this isn't a positive way of thinking, but I can't help but believe that if I just had a good enough personality then the guy would have no choice but to want to continue seeing me. When I think along these lines, of course, I just end up feeling like there's something wrong with me...

It just hurts so bad. I really liked this guy. I wanted him to like me too, but I feel like he didn't even give me a chance...

4 comments on "What's On the Inside"

Jenmarie wrote: September 20, 2011 at 1:25 PM

That's such a shame :( I'm so sorry, dear. Unfortunately for many men that's all they care about. Looks and sex. Hang in there. You'll find the right man someday!

Selenia wrote: September 20, 2011 at 10:13 PM

I'm so sorry *hugs*. I want you to know first and foremost that you are as wonderfully kind, caring, funny, and unique as you are beautiful. You are beautiful on the inside and out, and through our friendship I have come to know this time and time again. You have a very fun personality, your jokes always make me smile, and you are so kind. I can't think of bunnies without thinking of you :D.

I don't think it is your personality at all. I think sometimes, as they say, women have to meet a few frogs before they find the Prince. To me, it is what is on the inside that counts, just as you feel. And I am certain that you will find a guy who is as good on the inside as you are. :)

jane wrote: September 24, 2011 at 11:52 AM

there are some good ones too! youll find one :)

imuin wrote: September 29, 2011 at 9:52 PM

Tahnee-rabbit *hugs* Its the guys, its always been the guys.

You say "Do I just attract men that aren't interested in getting to know the women they pursue, period?" and I have to say, you do. By no fault of your own, these superficial guys seem to gravitate towards you. I can't say why. Maybe its the environment in which you first meet these guys?

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