
It just occurred to me that I'll be leaving for medical school in exactly one week from now.

I can't believe it...

My life is going to change so drastically. I'll be living in a new city with a new roommate, studying like I've never had to study before, and also (hopefully) be making lots of new friends along the way.

I will be leaving my family behind, which I am certain is for the best (as bad as that sounds), but I will also be moving away from the man I've grown to have feelings for these past several months. If I hadn't met him, the prospect of leaving my hometown to attend medical school would seem more positive and less bittersweet, as it does now. I just hope I can be completely present in my new environment and not allow my feelings for him to bring me down.

I have no choice but to adopt the mindset that if it's meant to be with him, everything will eventually work itself out...

2 comments on "Changes..."

Selenia wrote: July 25, 2011 at 1:44 PM

I wish you only the very best and I know you will do wonderfully *hugs*. :)

Merbella wrote: July 25, 2011 at 6:31 PM

Thank you so much, Selenia. I know your encouragement is going to be really helpful. :) *hugs back* <3

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